Destruction of Records Notice
Posted on 12/19/2018
The Special Education Department of the Sunapee School District is preparing to destroy personally identifiable information which was maintained to provide educational services for qualifying students. This information includes referral data, notice/consent documents, evaluation and progress reports with supporting data, IEP and Section 504 Team meeting paperwork, IEPs and Section 504 plans. Records currently being destroyed are for Special Education and Section 504 students who were born on January 1, 1992 or earlier. Parents/Guardians of these students or the adult student (aged 18 or over), may contact Terra Geer, Student Services Director for the Sunapee School District, at (603) 763-4627 before January 30, 2019 should they wish to obtain the records being destroyed or ensure that we retain the records until the former students 30th birthday. These records may be needed in the future for Social Security benefits or other purposes. The District maintains a permanent record of student names, addresses, phone numbers, grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed. This is in compliance with Sunapee School District Policies EHB & EHB -R.