First Community Advisory Committee Meeting

First Community Advisory Committee Meeting
Posted on 07/05/2020


Community Advisory Committee

 Meeting #1 Sunapee Middle/High School

July 8, 2020 

Zoom Link:

6pm SMHS GYM 10 North Rd


  1. Welcome and introductions (state name, address, and reason you joined the committee)

  1. Nominations:  Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary

  1. Develop additional meeting dates/times/locations 

  1. Sunapee School Board’s Report Expectations

  1. Committee Business

  1. Adjourn 


The Sunapee School Board is requesting that the Community Engagement Committee present a report to the full board at the October, 2020 School Board meeting. The report should be comprised of the following:


  • Overview of the approach by which the committee gathered input from community     stakeholders regarding alternatives to new construction of a school facility.

  •  Synopsis of data/information gathered

  • Summary of how data/information were used to arrive at conclusions/recommendations outlined within


 Recommendations/alternatives presented for Sunapee School Board consideration should include:

-  The placement of all children preK-12

- Synopsis of how the recommendation/alternative solution is connected to best educational    practice(s)

- Assessment of people, process, and technology needs to support the recommendation

- Risk/benefit assessment for each recommended alternative (consider all stakeholders, including children, staff, community)

- Cost considerations (e.g. what is needed to assess cost, and who needs to be involved?) 

- Funding solutions

- Projected timeframe in which recommendation/alternative could be implemented 

Sunapee Community Advisory Committee on New School Construction Alternatives 

March 2020 Ballot Petition Article 8

 “Should the Sunapee School Board create a committee including representatives of all stakeholders (e.g., students, staff, taxpayers) to investigate alternatives to new school construction such as moving grades K thru 5 to the current Middle/High School building and offering students in grades 9 thru 12 School Choice to attend the high school that best meets each student’s needs and interests?” This article is advisory only and non-binding regardless of vote. (By Petition)

Purpose: The purpose of the Community Committee is to discuss Petition Article #8 and make recommendations to the Board. The committee’s charge is to bring a report back to the Sunapee School Board in October, 2020 on alternatives to new school construction and continued public education in this community. The committee should develop a meeting schedule to hold public committee meetings between June, 2020 and October, 2020.


Membership: The committee should be made up of representatives of all stakeholders in the Sunapee community. To allow for maximum participation and openness to operate independently, the School Board will not chair or organize this committee, but board members, the Superintendent, administration, directors, and teachers would all be available to attend meetings, to provide information and to respond to any specific questions from the committee as needed. 


Reporting: The Board will hear the report at its October, 2020 Sunapee School Board meeting. The Committee will submit one written report to the full Board for consideration. The report will include the Sunapee Community Advisory Committee's recommendations for alternatives to new school construction. 


Limitation on Authority: The Sunapee Community Advisory Committee has no authority other than to make proposals and recommendations to the Board as a whole. The Sunapee Community Advisory Committee may invite relevant personnel to their meetings for input and expertise relative to specific policy issues. Informational requests requiring administrative resources or time shall ordinarily be directed to the Superintendent from the Chair of the Sunapee Community Advisory Committee or such other person designated by the school board.


Open Meeting: The committee meeting dates should be posted freely to attract community input and involvement. The SAU will assist the committee in posting meeting times and other needs the committee may have for community notification. The committee should create agendas for each meeting and select a member to document meeting minutes. 

SAU Supports: The SAU will provided the committee with any public information that has already been created or gathered. The SAU will not create any additional documents, surveys or design drawing or other new information required.