September 30 Article 8 Community Advisory Comm

September 30 Article 8 Community Advisory Committee Meeting
Posted on 10/07/2020

Community Advisory Committee-Article 8  

Meeting #7  

September 30, 2020 5pm  

Via Zoom  

Kirk Bishop 

Michael Haxton-Chair 

Steve McGrath-Vice Chair 

Kevin Cooney 

Anna Miner 

Melissa Trow 

Jim Lyons 

Chris Whitehouse 

Tanner Royce 


The meeting was called to order at 5:19 pm.  

The recording of the meeting can be found here:  


Chair Michael Haxton thanked the committee for work on the preliminary statement to be  presented at the Oct. 7 School Board meeting. He shared that the School Board was not keen  on the idea of welcoming outside contractors into the school buildings due to COVID. Jim feels  we should get more pricing if Aries is a reasonable alternative to EEI.  

Steve felt moving forward on the portables would require asking permission from the School  Board.  

Chris reiterated he felt the committee statement be our focus for this meeting.  

Michael provided an estimate regarding the square footage an Aries modular of 48,000 s/f  addition costing $16million.  

The committee reviewed and made final edits to the Statement letter.  

Committee voted to have statement sent to School Board prior to the meeting and having  Michael present it. 

The next meeting was set for Wednesday, October 14th at 5pm via ZOOM.  Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Anna Miner  
