Whaddya Got Sunapee students and staff?? The Sunapee Police Department has donated 500 hacky sacs to the Sunapee School district. We want you to get out and practice some skills and "Dude Perfect" type tricks. Go to either the HS, Elementary school, or Police department lobby to pick up your hacky sack.
Can you do these moves?
- Friday April 24 - Super Statewide Hack.mp4
- Thursday April 23 - Scheele Hackathon.mp4
- Wednesday April 22 - Mr. Reed - hacky sack.MOV
- Tuesday April 21 - Mrs. Cruz Day demonstrates her skills.mp4
- Monday - April 20 - Mr. Fred shows his Hacky Sack skills.mov
How do your skills stack up to Sunapee's Finest? Watch them in action here.
Hacky Sack Challenge.mp4
Send us a video of you in action