Q: What is the cost of this proposal?
A: $10,624,319
Q: Will this project get state building aid?
A: This project has been approved to be eligible to receive up to $3.1 million in state building aid. At this time building aid is included in the governor's biennial proposed budget. Sunapee has been ranked the 3rd highest priority project by the NH Dept. of Education.
Q: What is the tax impact of this proposal?
A: Estimating the tax impact at a 2.0% interest rate for a 15 year bond the first year the impact would be $0.18/$1,000. The second (and highest) year would be $0.63/$1,000.
Note that the the January 2021 NH Municipal Bond Bank rate for a 15 year bond was 1.32%
Q: What is different from the 2020 proposal?
A: In 2020 the board proposed a comprehensive plan to address all the deficiencies throughout the district including building new athletic fields that would be lost due to the location of the proposed building. The feedback to the board was clear that voters were not interested in tackling the athletic fields or the middle high school at this time. The focus needed to be on a comprehensive plan for the elementary school.
Q: Is it true that interest rates are at historic lows?
A: Yes, interest rates for bonds continue to be in the low single digits making now a very cost effective time to borrow money. The January 2021 NH Municipal Bond Bank 15 year note was 1.32%
Q: Is it true that there were no life safety problems in the 2020 fire inspection.
A: Unfortunately no there are numerous life safety problems that were noted in the Fire Chief's report. See the full report in the supporting documents.
Q: What was the outcome of the Article 8 vote?
A: In response to the vote in favor of Article 8, the board created a Community Engagement Committee. 100% of the community members who volunteered to serve on the committee met numerous times through the summer and fall before presenting their findings at the December 2 board meeting. The committee unanimously voted that keeping Sunapee a K-12 district is a priority.