Update on Mask Mandate

Update on Mask Mandate
Posted on 11/19/2020
November 19, 2020

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Today the Governor has announced a state-wide mask mandate. With this mandate we will make a slight change to our current COVID protocols.

Our current protocols call for masks if we cannot social distance at 6 feet apart while seated at an assigned desk. While our students and staff have been doing well with this, we recognize that the 6 feet at times through any given day is getting closer. To help us continue to stay in school with face-to-face instruction, we feel this slight change will only support our goal.

Starting tomorrow, November 20th, all personnel and students (unless we have medical documentation on file) will continue to wear masks while on our buses, entering our facilities and moving throughout our schools. The change is that while in classrooms students and staff will continue to wear masks while seated. All teachers will allow children to remove their masks while seated at 6 feet social distance, working quietly, and independently. This slight change will allow for continued safety of our students, faculty, and community.

We understand that families have many different views on this pandemic and wearing masks. My goal has always been to keep our school open for in-person instruction and keeping people safe.

Have a restful Thanksgiving week, and be patient and kind to one another.

